
Procedure in installation windows98

3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for the3C90X EtherLink XL 10/100 / EtherLink XL NIC FamilyWindows 98 Information
First time installation of Windows 98
Windows 98 has the built-in ability to support the EtherLink XL family of NICs. Unfortunately, even though Windows 98 is a new product, the EtherLink XL driver that comes with Windows 98 is quite old and may not work well under some conditions. To avoid installing the driver on Windows 98 and install the EtherDisk 4.0 software, follow the steps below.
Do not install the NIC! Install Windows 98 before you install the NIC.
Run PREINSTL on EtherDisk #1. This step prevents Windows 98 from identifying the NIC so it will prompt for external media. Shut down the computer.
Install the NIC and start the computer. Make sure the NIC is connected to the network.
Start Windows 98. During the boot up, Windows 98 will display a screen showing that a PCI NIC has been detected. Put EtherDisk #1 into the floppy drive and press "next".
Windows 98 will read the EtherDisk and display the name of the NIC. Press "next". Windows 98 will continue to read the EtherDisk, then prompt for EtherDisk #2. Insert EtherDisk #2 in the floppy drive, then press "OK". Windows 98 reads files from EtherDisk #2. Windows 98 then reads files from the Windows 98 installation media, and returns to the add new hardware wizard. Press the "finish" button. If Windows 98 cannot find the Windows 98 installion media, it will prompt you for the path to the media (CD_ROM, etc). You must provide this path for the install to work successfully.
Windows 98 then displays the message "Do you want to restart your computer now?". Press the "yes" button.
The computer will reboot. When the system has booted up, the network is ready to use.
Updating from Windows 95 to Windows 98 with a 3C905 or 3C900 NIC
If you have a 3C905 or 3C900 NIC installed, you must follow the steps below to successfully upgrade from Windows 95 to Windows 98.
With Windows 95 running, open the start menu, settings, control panel. On the control panel screen, double click the "network" icon. On the network configuration menu, choose the "3Com EtherLink XL" NIC, and press the "delete" button. Deleting the NIC may delete all network components, so record the configuration settings of the other network components that may be needed when the NIC is reinstalled later. These include the TCP/IP protocol stack settings, if present.
Shut down the computer and remove the NIC. Reboot Windows 95, install Windows 98, and go to step 1 under "First Time Installation of Windows 98" above.
How to recover if the procedures above were not followed
The recovery from not following the procedures above are listed below. The recovery method varies. Each scenario is listed below by path to arrival, problem symptoms, and recovery procedure.
Fresh install of Windows 98 with a 3C905B or 3C900B NIC installed
The problem is network software is not installed and the 3C90XB NIC is not detected on subsequent boots of the operating system.
When Windows 98 installs, if it detects a device it does not have drivers for, that device is put in the unsupported device class "other". This step prevents the NIC from being detected again.
To fix this problem, right mouse button click the My Computer icon, choose "Properties". On the System Properties page, select the "Device Manager" tab. Press the small box with the "+" symbol next to "Other Devices". Select "PCI Ethernet Controller" located under "Other Devices" and press the Properties button at the bottom of the menu. On the PCI Ethernet Controller Properties screen, select the "Driver" tab, then press the "Update Driver" button. This launches the Update Device Driver Wizard. Press the "Next" button. Press the "Next" button on the next screen. Put EtherDisk 4.0 diskette #1 in the floppy disk drive. On the next screen, check the "Floppy disk drives" check box and press "Next". The Wizard will read the diskette and detect a match for the NIC. Now follow the installation procedure from step 5 under First Time Installation of Windows 98 above.
Fresh install of Windows 98 with a 3C905 or 3C900 NIC installed

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